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Plastic Canvas: 1 pc. 4" x 6"
Yarn: beige—6 yds.; black—1 yd.; brown—28 yds.
- From plastic canvas cut out the pieces shown on chart #2. To save canvas, cut the straight fronts and bottom first. The 2 sides (legs) can be cut from pieces removed from around head.
- Stitch the beige areas (see color Key). Backstitch the black facial features. Stitch all remaining parts with Brown.
- Lace holder together with joining overcast stitches. Attach ends together by matching letters.
- Overcast all remaining edges.
- Attach eyes.

Other great patterns from Collectable Clippies:
Pattern © 1982 by Plaid Enterprises, Inc. Reproduced with permission from Plaid. is not endorsed by Plaid.