Alice Blue Dress and Pinafore Pattern

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Alice Blue Dress and Pinafore Pattern

Pinafore: Organdy – ¼ yd (0.23m)
Dress: Material without nap – ¼ yd (0.23m)
Skirt: 4½ in (11.5cm) long, 30 in (76.2cm) wide
Neck Band: 6 in (15.2cm) long, ¾ in (2.0cm) wide
Sleeve Bands: 3in (7.6cm) long, 1 in (2.5cm) wide
Pinafore: 3¾ in (9.6cm) long, 13 in (33.0cm) wide
Tie: 24 in (61.0cm) long, 1½ in (3.8cm) wide

Be sure to measure the garment on the doll as you sew.

BODICE: Sew two darts on front. Sew shoulder seams. Sew neck band on neck edge on right side, raw seams facing. Turn band to wrong side and topstitch on right side.
SLEEVES: Gather bottom of sleeve to measure 3 in (7.6cm). Sew on bands same as for neck binding. Gather top of sleeves, insert into armholes. Turn hems on backs ¼ in (0.65cm) to fit doll. Sew sleeve seams and sides of bodice together.
SKIRT: Hem bottom of skirt. Sew vents at back. Gather top of skirt to fit bodice and sew skirt and bodice together on wrong sides, turn and topstitch. Hem back of skirt.
PINAFORE: Sew upper edges of bib together, turn. Gather lace on raw edges. Hem bottom and sides of pinafore. Gather top to measure 3 in (7.6cm). Sew lace on bottom of pinafore, easing lace as you sew.
SASH: Fold and press ¼ in (0.65cm) to inside of sash on both edges. Fold sash in half lengthwise and press. Mark center of sash and center of pinafore and topstitch sash to pinafore. Baste bottom of bib to center of skirt band inside of folds. Baste ends of bib at ends of apron. Topstitch upper edge of sash, including bib.

Alice Blue Dress and Pinafore Pattern