Pumpkin Puree Boil Method

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To make pumpkin puree, you can roast it, microwave it and steam it. For this recipe, we’re going to go through the boil method of making pumpkin puree.

Ingredients Needed:

  • 1 pumpkin


Also, keep on hand a sharp knife, cutting board, large stock pot, large bowl, hand blender or food processor and colander.  

Step 1: Prepare Pumpkin

Start by slicing your pumpkin in half.

Scoop out the seeds and pulp.

When the gourd has been emptied, you can slice it into smaller pieces.

Step 2: Time to Boil

Place the pieces in a large stock pot. If you don’t have a stock pot, just work in batches.

Cover with water and place on high heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 40 minutes.

Step 3: Strain

When the pumpkin has finished boiling, strain in a colander to remove as much liquid as possible.

Step 4: Peel and Puree

When the pumpkin has cooled, you can peel off the shell. You can do this using your finger, by pushing the flesh away from the shell.

Next, use a hand blender to finish the puree. If you don’t have a blender or food processor, you can mash it with a potato masher and then more finely with a fork.

If you are using a pumpkin with high water content (for example a Halloween pumpkin), strain the puree for a few house to remove the excess liquid.