Old Hippo | John Martin's Spool Zoo #6

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Old HIPPO is
a funny beast;
He isn't pretty-
not the least.
But, why should we
try to explain
Why Hippo is
so very plain?
Perhaps, one day
when at the Zoo,
This Hippo beast
may smile for you.
So find a SPOOL-
a good big one,
For HIPPO wants
to have some fun.

How to Make The Hippo

With your sharp scissors cut me out carefully along the fine dotted lines.
   Now, get a spool of the right size to fit me. Spread glue carefully on both ends of the spool, allowing it to harden a little; then stick my head on one end of the spool and my tail end on the other.
   There, you have me standing up for you as an old HIPPO would do.