Knit Jacket & Hat LW1494

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Designed by Joyce Nordstrom.

Jacket and Hat fit size 6-12 months.

RED HEART® "Soft Baby®", No. 7881 Powder Blue: Jacket: 5 Ounces; Hat: 1 ½ ounces.

Knitting Needles: 3.75mm [US 5]. Crochet Hook: 4mm [US G-6].

Cable needle, stitch markers, stitch holders; 2 buttons, sewing needle and thread.

GAUGE: 24 sts = 4"; 32 rows = 4" in St st. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size needles to obtain the gauge.

Cable Pat A (Worked over 12 sts).

Rows 1, 5, 7 (RS): P2, K8, P2. Rows 2, 4, 6: K2, P8, K2. Row 3: P2, sl next 4 sts to cable needle, bring to front of work, K4, K4 from cable needle, P2. Row 8: Rep Row 2.

Rep Rows 1-8 for Cable Pat A.

Plume Pat B (Worked over 17 sts):

Row 1 (RS): P2, K13, P2. Row 2: K2, P13, K2. Row 3: P2, K4tog, [yo, K1] 5 times, yo, K4tog, P2. Row 4: Rep Row 2.

Rep Rows 1-4 for Plume Pat B.


Cast on 134 sts. K 8 rows inc 20 sts evenly spaced on last row - 154 sts. Place pats as follows:

Row 1 (RS): K5, pm, * pat A Row 1 over next 12 sts, pm, K4, pm, [pat B Row 1 over next 17 sts, pm, K4, pm] twice, pat A Row 1 over next 12 sts, pm, K4; rep from * once; K1.

Row 2: Slipping markers, K5, * par A Row 2 over next 12 sts, K4, [pat B Row 2 over next 17 sts, K4] twice, pat A Row 2 over next 12 sts, K4; rep from * once; K1.

Rows 1 and 2 establish pat placement and Garter st between pats and at edges. Work as established, working appropriate rows of pats A and B until 7" from beg, end pat A Row 8.

Divide-Left Front: Keeping continuity of pats, work across 40 sts and place on holder; work next 74 sts and place on holder; work rem 40 sts. Work even until 7 ½" from beg, end WS row.

Buttonhole Row: Work to last 5 sts, K2, yo, K2tog, K1. Work even for 15 rows; rep Buttonhole Row. Work 7 more rows, end RS row.

Shape Neck/Shoulder: Work across 17 sts at front edge and place on holder; dec 1 st at neck edge every other row 3 times - 20 sts. Work even until 5" above division. Bind off.

Back: With WS facing, join yarn to 74 sts on holder. Work even until back measures same as Left Front to shoulder. Bind off.

Right Front: With WS facing, join yarn to 40 sts. Work as for Left Front, reversing shaping and omitting buttonholes.

SLEEVES: Cast on 36 sts. K 8 rows, inc 7 sts evenly spaced on last row - 43 sts.

Row 1 (RS): K7, P2, pm, K4, pm, pat B Row 1 across next 17 sts, pm, K4, pm, P2, K7.

Row 2: P7, K2, K4, pat B Row 1 across next 17 sts, K4, K2, P7.

Rows 1 and 2 establish pat placement (Note that first and last 9 sts are part of pat A) and Garter st between pats. Work as established, working appropriate rows of pats, shaping sides by inc 1 st each end of next row, then every 4th row until there are 61 sts, working added sts into pat A when appropriate, then into Garter st. Work even until 7" from beg. Bind off.

COLLAR: Sew shoulder seams. K17 from Right Front holder, pick up and K5 sts to shoulder, 28 sts across Back, 5 sts down left front, K17 from Left Front holder - 72 sts. K 14 rows. Bind off.

FINISHING: Sew sleeve seams. Set in sleeves. Sew buttons to Right Front band.


Cast on 69 sts. K 8 rows, inc 14 sts evenly spaced on last row - 83 sts.

Row 1 (RS): K1, pm, [pat A Row 1 over next 12 sts, pm, K4, pm] twice, pat B Row 1 over next 17 sts, pm, [K4, pm, pat A Row 1 over next 12 sts, pm] twice, K1.

Row 2: Slipping markers, K1, [pat A Row 2 over next 12 sts, K4] twice, pat B Row 2 over next 17 sts, [K4, pat A Row 2 over next 12 sts] twice, K1. Rows 1 and 2 establish pat placement and Garter st between pats and at edges. Work as established, working appropriate rows of pats until 4 ¼" from beg, end pat A Row 8.

Shape Crown: Keeping continuity of pats, bind off 29 sts at beg of next 2 rows - 25 sts, Work even until 9" from beg. Bind off.

FINISHING: Sew 29 bound-off sts to sides of center back piece, easing to fit.

Bottom Band: With RS facing, pick up and K22 sts along right edge, 15 sts along back, 22 sts along left edge - 59 sts.

Row 1 (Wrong Side): P1, *K1, P1; rep from * across. Row 2: K1, * P1, K1; rep from * across. Row 3-Eyelets: * P1, K1, P2tog, yo; rep from * to last 3 sts; P1, K1, P1. Row 4: Rep Row 2. Row 5: Rep Row 1. Bind off loosely in ribbing. Tie: With crochet hook, make a 24" ch, sl st in each ch across. Fasten off. Weave through Eyelets.

ABBREVIATIONS: beg = begin(ning); dec = decrease; inc = increase; K = knit; mm = millimeters; P = Purl; pat = pattern; pm = place marker; rem = remaining; rep = repeat; RS = right side; sl = slip; st(s) = stitch (es): St st = Stockinette stitch (K on right side rows; P on wrong side rows); tog = together; WS = wrong side; yo = yarn over; [ ] = work directions in brackets the number of times specified; * = repeat whatever follows the * as indicated.

Pattern © by Coats & Clark Inc. Reproduced with permission from Coats & Clark Inc. is not endorsed by Coats & Clark Inc. It is not permissible to contract production of projects made from designs published by Coats & Clark to a third party for sale or distribution.

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