Directions are for Size 10. Changes for Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18 & 20 are in parentheses.
Columbia-Minerva Nantuk Sweater & Afghan Yarn (2 oz pull skein):
Color A: 3 (3-3-4-4-4) skeins Light and
2 skeins each of Colors B (medium), C (Dark) & D (medium light)
Needles: One pair each "Boye" Sizes 6 and 9
Gauge: Stockinette Stitch on Size 9—9 sts to 2 inches; 6 rows to 1 inch
Back: With Size 6 needles and Color A—cast on 77 (79-83-87-91-95) sts.
Row 1—Right side: K 1, * P 1, K 1, repeat from * across.
Row 2: P 1, * K 1, P 1, repeat from * across. Repeat these 2 rows for 1½ inches, inc'ing 2 (2-3-3-3-4) across last row, end with Row 2. Change to Size 9 needles and St St, working in stripes on the 79 (81-86-90-94-99) sts: 14 rows each of Colors B, A, C, D, then * 14 rows of A, B, C & D, repeat from * for pat, working to 23 inches from start. Width across back is 17½ (18-19-20-21-22) inches.
Armholes: Bind off 4 (4-4-5-5-5) at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 each side every other row 5 (5-6-6-7-8) times. Work on the 61 (63-66-68-70-73) sts to 7 (7-7½-7½-8-8) inches straight above underarm. Width across shoulders is 13½ (14-14¾-15¼-15½-16¼) inches.
Shoulders: Bind off 7 sts at beg of next 4 rows then 4 (5-6-6-7-8) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Sl rem'ing 25 (25-26-28-28-29) sts to a holder for neck.
Left Front: With Size 6 needles and A—cast on 39 (41-43-45-47-49) sts. Work in ribbing same as on back for 1½ inches, end with Row 2. Change to Size 9 and work in stripes to match back to underarm, end on wrong side. Width across is 8¾ (9-9½-10-10½-11) inches.
Armhole: Bind off 4 (4-4-5-5-5) at beg of next row. Dec 1 at same edge every other row 5 (5-6-6-7-8) times. Work on the 30 (32-33-34-35-36) sts to 4½ (4½-5-5-5½-5½) inches straight above underarm, end on right side.
Neck: P first 7 (8-8-9-9-9) and sl them to a holder for neck, work to end. Dec 1 at neck every other row 5 times. Work on the rem'ing 18 (19-20-20-21-22) sts to match back armhole, end at armhole edge.
Shoulder: Bind off 7 at armhole twice then 4 (5-6-6-7-8) at same edge once.
Right Front: Work to correspond to left front, reversing the shaping.
Sleeves: With Size 6 needles and Color A—cast on 31 (33-35-37-39-41). Work in ribbing same as on back for 2½ inches, inc'ing 2 (2-2-4-4-4) sts evenly across last row, end with Row 2. Change to Size 9 needles. Starting with a D stripe, work in St St, inc'ing 1 st each side every 8th row 10 times. Work on the 53 (55-57-61-63-65) sts to about 17 inches from start or desired length to underarm, end with same pat row as on back at underarm. Width across sleeve is 11¾ (12¼-12¾-13½-14-14½) inches.
Sleeve Cap: Bind off 4 (4-4-5-5-5) at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 each side every other row until 21 sts rem. Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 4 rows. Bind off.
Seam shoulders. Sew sleeves in place then sew side and sleeve seams.
Neckband: On right side with Size 6 needles and Color A—starting at right front, pick up and K 73 (73-75-77-77-79) sts around neck, including holders. Work in ribbing as on back for 1½ inches. Bind off in ribbing.
Front Bands: On right side with Size 6 needles and Color A—starting at top of neckband, pick up and K 118 (118-120-120-122-122) sts on front edge. Work in ribbing as on back for 1½ inches. Bind off in ribbing. Starting at lower edge with Color A—work other side the same.
Pockets: Mark on front where lower edge of pocket should be. As shown, it is just above lower ribbing. With Size 9 needles and same color as lower edge of stripe where pocket is to be, cast on 35 (35-37-39-39-39). Work in color stripes to correspond to front for 3 stripes. Change to Size 6 needles and with Color A—work in ribbing for 1½ inches. Bind off in ribbing. Sew in place.
Be Sure Your Stitch Gauge Is Correct.
Other great patterns from Afghan and Fashion Collection:
Pattern © 1970 by Columbia-Minerva. is not endorsed by Columbia-Minerva.