Pussy Willow Flower Pattern

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Materials Needed
1 Package Rocaille beads — yellow #10/0 size (¾ oz. pkg.)
1 Spool #30 weight bead wire
1 bunch #18 bare wire for stems
1 roll of Florists tape — brown


String 22 beads on a wire for each bud. Slip 12 of the beads to within 3" of the end of the wire. Twist wires to­gether to form loop, Figure 1.

Slip 10 more beads up against first loop. Bend these 10 beads to make a loop up over the top of first loop, Figure 2. It takes fewer beads, because wire will slip in between beads. This makes a full round bud. Twist wires together. Cut wire leaving a short stem of one inch length.

STEP TWO — Assembling

Tape 10 or more of these buds to a #18 bare stem wire using brown Florists tape.

Note: For larger Pussy Willow use larger bead.


Other great patterns from Bead Flowers:

Vintage patterns by Aleene.