Baby's Breath Flower Pattern

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Materials Needed
1 Package seed beads — white — flower (¾ oz. pkg.)
1 Package seed beads — yellow — pep (¾ oz. pkg.)
1 Package Rocaille beads — green — leaves (¾ oz. pkg.)
1 bunch #26 gauge bare wire
1 Roll Florist tape — green

STEP ONE — Flower

String 12 beads on wire. Slip beads to within 2" of the end of the wire. Form into loop as shown in the General Instructions. String 12 more beads on wire and make anoth­er loop. Make 3 more loops of 12 beads each.

Bring wire up to center of petals and string on 1 yellow bead for pep or center. Pull wire down between loops. Wrap short end of wire twice around long wire, up against flower to secure. Cut off short wire. Arrange petals.

To cover stem with beads string 3-½”of green beads on them. Note: beads will not go directly below flower because of the twisted wire.

Tape wire, just below bottom bead to hold the beads on. Make a dozen flowers in slightly different lengths. Tape together into an airy cluster.

STEP TWO — Leaves

String 70 beads on wire. Form into long and narrow loop by twisting wire together. String 40 more beads on wire to fill in center of loop. Attach wire at top of leaf.  Each leaf consists of 3 thicknesses of beads. Tape leaves to flower cluster.

Other great patterns from Bead Flowers:

Vintage patterns by Aleene.