Materials Needed
1 Package Rocaille beads — yellow #10/0 size (¾ oz. pkg.)
1 Spool #30 weight bead wire
1 bunch #18 bare wire for stems
1 roll of Florists tape — brown
String 22 beads on a wire for each bud. Slip 12 of the beads to within 3" of the end of the wire. Twist wires together to form loop, Figure 1.
Slip 10 more beads up against first loop. Bend these 10 beads to make a loop up over the top of first loop, Figure 2. It takes fewer beads, because wire will slip in between beads. This makes a full round bud. Twist wires together. Cut wire leaving a short stem of one inch length.
STEP TWO — Assembling
Tape 10 or more of these buds to a #18 bare stem wire using brown Florists tape.
Note: For larger Pussy Willow use larger bead.

Other great patterns from Bead Flowers:
Pussy Willow | Baby's Breath | Butterfly |
Apple Blossom | Daisy | Pansy |
Iris | Zinnia | Tulip |
Daffodil | Fuchsia | Rose |
Vintage patterns by Aleene.