Materials Needed
3 packages seed beads — white — petals (¾ oz. packages)
1 package seed beads — yellow — cup (¾ oz. packages)
1 package bugle beads — green — leaves (¾ oz. packages)
1 spool #30 gauge bead wire
1 roll of Florists tape — green
1 bunch of #18 gauge bare stem wire
1 bunch #26 gauge bare wire — reinforce
Make 5 flowers
String 23" of yellow beads on wire, for each cup. Make a series of loops using 40 beads for each loop. DO NOT CUT WIRE. Make all loops on one continuous wire. (For the making of loops see General Instructions). Be sure the wire is always twisted tightly up against the beads. All loops should be stiff, and not limp. Twist wire together to close bottom of cup, Figure 1.
STEP TWO — Reinforce cup
About 10 beads up from the bottom of the cup, reinforce it with spool wire. This wire will tie cup together, Fig. 2.
String 8½“ of white beads on wire for each petal. Slip 31 beads to within 3" of end of wire, to make first loop.
Make second loop of 43 beads and place this loop around the first loop, Figure 3.
Make third loop of 53 beads. Twist ends of wire together for stem.
STEP FOUR — Reinforce petals
Reinforce the end of each petal and shape petal. For reinforcement, see General Instructions. Make 6 petals for each flower.
STEP FIVE — Assembling Flower
Tape the cup to a #18 bare stem wire. Tape 3 petals underneath cup. Tape 3 more petals up against previous three petals.
STEP SIX — Leaves
String 40" of bugle beads on a #26 weight bare wire. Bend wire in center, having 20 beads on each side. Twist ends of wire together tightly against the beads giving added strength. This makes a long loop.
Make second long loop of 44 beads and place to outside of first loop.
Make third long loop of 48 beads and place to outside of second loop. See Figure 4.
Reinforce ends, and across leaves a third of the way down from the top and again, two thirds down from the top. Wrap beading wire around and around until securing.

Other great patterns from Bead Flowers:
Pussy Willow | Baby's Breath | Butterfly |
Apple Blossom | Daisy | Pansy |
Iris | Zinnia | Tulip |
Daffodil | Fuchsia | Rose |
Vintage patterns by Aleene.