Materials Needed
1 Package seed beads — any color desired —flower (¾ oz. package)
1 Package seed beads — brown — pep or center (¾ oz. package)
1 Package seed beads — green — leaves (¾ oz. package)
2 Spools #30 gauge bead wire
1 Bunch #18 gauge bare stem wire
1 Roll Florist tape — green
STEP ONE — Center
String 35 brown beads on wire. Slip 7 beads to within 3" of end of wire. Make a loop as shown in General Instructions. Do not cut wire. Make a second loop of 12 beads and form this loop around the first loop. Let the center 6 beads stick up a little.
Make a third loop of 16 beads and wrap around previous loops, forming a half ball for center pep. Figure 1
STEP TWO — First row of petals
String 10½” of beads on a continuous wire. To make first petal, slip 12 beads to within 3" from the end of the wire. This 3" gives you something to hold onto. Make a loop of the 12 beads as shown in General Instructions. Make a second loop around the first loop using 20 beads. Secure. Do not cut or break wire. Figure 2
Make 4 more petals. Have petals touching each other or slightly overlapping. Secure this row to center by wrapping wire around and around.
STEP THREE — Second row of Petals
This is a three loop petal. String 64 beads on wire. Use 12 beads for first loop, 20 beads for second loop and 32 beads for third loop, Figure 3.
Make 5 more petals the same. You may make them on the continuous wire or you may make separate petals and wire them singly to flower.
STEP FOUR — Third row of Petals
Make 8 petals using the same procedure as in Step Three. Have these petals on separate wire and wire each petal to flower. Figure 4.
STEP FIVE — Fourth row of petals
To make flower larger, add another row of 10 petals. Use the same procedure as in Step Three, Figure 5.
STEP SIX — Leaves
String 9 inches (9") of beads on wire. Make a 4 loop leaf. Use 20 beads for the first loop, 29 beads for the second loop and 38 beads for the third loop and 52 beads for the fourth loop. Figure 6. See General Instructions for making loops. Shape the leaves and reinforce them by securing with a short length of wire at top and bottom.

Other great patterns from Bead Flowers:
Pussy Willow | Baby's Breath | Butterfly |
Apple Blossom | Daisy | Pansy |
Iris | Zinnia | Tulip |
Daffodil | Fuchsia | Rose |
Vintage patterns by Aleene.