Sports Riddles

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When can a ball team make three runs and still not have a man score? See answer

When it's a girls' team. Hide

What game do the waves play? See answer

Pitch and toss. Hide

When is a prospector like a baseball player? See answer

When he makes a strike. Hide

What number is also a popular sport? See answer

Ten is (tennis). Hide

Why is chicken pox like a man behind home plate? See answer

They're both catching. Hide

Why is a baseball game like a biscuit? See answer

Because its success depends on the batter. Hide

What is it that rises and falls, travels about and wears out shoes, but has no shoes to wear? See answer

A football. Hide

How can you get out of a room with a bat and ball? See answer

Three strikes, and you're out. Hide

Why is last year like a ball game? See answer

Because it's pastime. Hide

Why is a baseball park like an air-conditioning system? See answer

Because it's full of fans. Hide

What baseball player is brought to many dinner tables? See answer

The pitcher. Hide