Alphabet Riddles

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What do you find only once in a room but twice in every corner? See answer

The letter 'R'.. Hide

How many letters are there in the word bone? See answer

Two, because if you take away B, 'one' remains. Hide

When is a soprano like an ocean liner? See answer

When she's on the high C's. Hide

What did the kindergartner say when asked what letter comes after T in the alphabet? See answer

Letter V. Hide

What does Truman have first that Roosevelt had last and Lincoln didn't have at all? See answer

Letter T. Hide

What is the difference between here and there? See answer

The letter T. Hide

What part of London is in France? See answer

The letter N. Hide

What letter in the alphabet is most useful to a deaf old woman? See answer

The letter A, because it makes her hear. Hide

What is easier to spell, fiddle-de-dee or fiddle-de-dum? See answer

Fiddle-de-dee, because it is spelled with more e's. Hide

What word of six letters contains six words without moving any letters? See answer

Herein. The words are: he, her, here, ere, rein and in. Hide

Why is the letter D like a wedding ring? See answer

WE are never WED without it. Hide

Why is an island like the letter T? See answer

It's in the middle of water. Hide

What can letter B do to a narrow road? See answer

Make it broad. Hide