Material: Satin – ¼ yd (0.23m)
Dotted Flocked nylon net – ¼ yd (0.23m)
Satin skirt: 9 in (22.9cm) long, 36 in (91.4cm) wide
Flocked nylon ruffle: 3 yds (2.74m), 28 in (71.1cm) long, 4-¼ in (11.5cm) wide
Sleeve bands: 3 in (7.6cm) long, 1 in (2.5cm) wide
Sleeve ruffle: 9 in (22.9cm) long, 1 in (2.5cm) wide
Neck ruffle: 24 in (61.0cm) long, 1 in (2.5cm) wide
Parasol ruffle: 3 yds (2.74m) long, 3-½ in (8.9cm) wide
Parasol top ruffle: 18 in (45.7cm) long, 2-½ in (6.4cm) wide
Parasol: Eight pieces of satin
Be sure to measure the garment on the doll as you sew.
NET YOKE: Place right sides together. Sew around backs and neck, turn. Sew two darts in bodice on front. Sew shoulder seams. Mark center of bodice yoke and center of net yoke, holding right sides together. Baste yoke to bodice; starting at center front, topstitch. Finish hems on backs. Gather frilling for yoke. Sew on yoke as shown in Illustration.
SLEEVES: Gather bottom of sleeves to measure 3 in (7.6cm). Sew sleeve band on right side, then turn band under and topstitch. Gather ruffle on top of band. Gather top of sleeve, having most fullness at top of sleeve, insert into armhole. Sew side seams and sleeve seams.
SKIRT: Hem bottom of skirt. Gather ruffle to measure same as skirt. Sew on skirt leaving ½ in (1.3cm) below skirt hem. Hem vents at back 3-¼ in (8.3cm) from top. Gather top of skirt to measure same as bottom of bodice. Mark center of bodice and center of skirt. Sew skirt to bodice, then turn and topstitch. Sew back of skirt. Sew three small snaps on bodice.
PARASOL: Join eight pieces taking ¼ in (0.65cm) seams. Press seams open. Turn bottom edge back on right side, topstitch. Open parasol and measure parasol covering on frame to see if it fits properly. Now gather ruffle for parasol same as for dress. Sew on parasol on right side about ⅛ in (0.31cm) from edge. Place parasol on opened frame. Sew seams to ends of ribs. Gather 18 in (45.7cm) ruffle to fit top of parasol. Draw up tightly and sew over raw edges.

Dolly Madison Costume Pattern
Alice Blue Dress and Pinafore Pattern
Sun Bonnet Sue Outfit Pattern
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Playtime Togs Slacks and Shirt Pattern
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