Needlepoint as it is known today can be said to have originated in the 17th century, when the fashion for furniture upholstered with embroidered fabrics prompted the development of a more durable material, canvas, to serve as the foundation for the embroidery.
Plastic Canvas Patterns Fast Facts
There are 4 sizes of canvas to work on. The largest is the 5 count, which has five stitches to the inch. The 7, 10 and 14 count canvas sizes get smaler as the numbers grow larger.
To make the designs on your canvas, yarn is used. Thicker yarn usually helps the project look nicer because it covers the canvas better. A needle that is a bit thicker and longer than regular sewing needles is used. The yarn is woven through the canvas with the needle according to the pattern that you are using.
Plastic canvas is used for dimensional items. It is made of uniquely waterproof acrylic and is perfect for tissue boxes, placemats, coasters and tote bags.
You can cut the canvas into specific shapes and add colorful threads to bring the design to life.
The stitching is easy enough for a beginner. Many people that learn the love of crafting through plastic canvas move on to other needlecrafts such as crochet and knitting. It's a good way to teach a child the fun of stitchery.