Pattern includes pattern, 16 x 19¾ inches, for cross-stitch bird design, with crosses 7 to the inch. A chart for placing the colors is also included.
The beautiful Chinese Ring-necked Pheasants, now so often seen adding brilliance to our countryside, were introduced into this country in the 19th century This design is suggestive of the large bird prints so much in demand for homes of today—a woodsy scene the man of the house is sure to appreciate and enjoy. Worked in cross-stitch the richness of the coloring brings the Pheasants to life, stitch by stitch.
MATERIALS REQUIRED—Six-strand cotton should be used for the work in the following colors and amounts. One skein each of white, lt. grey, beige, lt. gold, med. brown, bright yellow, bright orange yellow, burnt orange, bright rose rust, bright yellow green, med. green, emerald green, bright blue green, peacock blue, bright med. blue, deep blue, bright salmon, bright red, dk. red, rose, deep wine rose and two skeins each of med. grey, black, gold, deep brown and deep rust.
BACKGROUND MATERIAL—Unbleached muslin, smooth linen, medium-weight smooth linen-like cotton, are suggested materials. The background may be cream, natural or white. Use a piece of material 22 x 25¾ inches, or larger, if desired. See framing directions below. The design is also suitable for a wall hanging.
CROSS-STITCH —Follow the chart in pattern for placing the colors and use six strands of cotton in the needle for the work. It is very important when working cross-stitch to have the crosses of the entire piece cross in the same direction. A cross is made of an under stitch and an over stitch; all the under stitches must be worked in one direction and all the over stitches must cross them in the opposite direction. Whether one starts at the left and works right, or whether one starts at the right and works left is optional. However, all the rows should be worked to the right or left throughout the entire piece. Keep the stitches as even as possible. Be sure to make all crosses touch. To do this, put the needle in the same hole as used for the adjoining stitch.
SUGGESTIONS FOR FRAMING—This lovely bird picture when worked in cross-stitch is 16 x 19¾ inches. You may allow a two-inch background margin around the piece when framing, or from 2½ to 3 inches, as desired. The frame should blend with the shades in the picture or it may be dark brown or mahogany. When using a rectangular frame, the frame should be 2, 2½ or 3 inches wide.
Before framing, the embroidered piece should be stretched over a stiff piece of cardboard, cut the exact size of the frame. In stretching material, be sure to keep the design perfectly straight. Pins driven through the material and into the edge of the cardboard will be helpful in keeping the material straight and tight. The edges of the material may be pasted down on the wrong side of the cardboard, or the edges of material caught together with long zigzag stitches to hold the embroidery in place.