Pattern includes transfer designs for two cross-stitch florals, lily and hibiscus, for pictures or pillows. Designs are to be worked in 5-to-inch cross-stitch plus French knots for lily. See directions for colors, amount required and manufacturer's color numbers of six strand cotton.
MATERIALS REQUIRED: ⅝ yd. of 52" wide smooth natural, ivory or cream linen or cotton with a linen finish will make two pictures or pillows. Use ⅝ yd. 35" or 36" fabric for one picture or pillow, 1¼ yds. 35" or 36" for two. If making pillow cover, use boxed inner pillow 18" or 20" square. Buy enough contrast fabric for back and sides of pillow and for corded welting. Cut cover 1 " larger than finished pillow to allow for ½" seams.
CROSS-STITCH: Cut fabric 22½" wide x 25" high. Turn under raw edges ¼" and edge stitch. Using contrasting thread, baste along the stamped corner angles and from center line to center line through the design both ways to divide it into quarters. Using a colored pencil, mark leaflet through center of design both ways. Follow leaflet charts for placing colors. Use full six strands of six-strand cotton in needle. In working cross-stitch it is important to have the crosses of the entire design crossed in the same direction. See detail. Keep stitches even by having them touch, putting the needle in the same hole used for adjoining stitch.
TO BLOCK DESIGN: Cover a large board with clean paper and mark size of fabric (22" x 24½") on the paper. If embroidered piece is soiled, wash. Place wet piece (right side up) on board, pull edges of fabric to meet guide lines drawn on paper. Thumb tack all edges of fabric to board, placing tacks ½" apart. Allow to remain until thoroughly dry.
TO MOUNT AND FRAME: Mount the embroidered piece by stretching over stiff cardboard cut 16⅞" wide x 17⅞" high. When stretching be sure to keep design perfectly straight and centered. Drive straight pins through fabric into the edges of cardboard, keeping fabric straight. Paste the edges of fabric down on wrong side or use masking tape. Illustrations show the picture framed in a 17" x 18" frame with a 1⅛"-1½" wide molding.