It's a cake, but it's not to eat
(In fact, it wouldn't be much of a treat).
It's not in a bakery, but next door
You'll find it in the grocery store.
soap Hide
Buzzing little hummer,
Busy all the summer.
No time to play, no time to shirk,
Because no man can do her work.
A bee Hide
The poor have two;
the rich have none.
If you guess this,
then you have one.
the letter 'O' Hide
What object is so tiny,
Yet in it power lies
To change its form and substance
And magnify its size?
a seed Hide
Red, orange, yellow, green;
The king can't reach it, nor yet hte queen.
Blue and violet also are seen
With gradual shading in between.
rainbow Hide
You know of pen, if you stop to think.
That writes with lead instead of ink.
pencil Hide
It looks sorry, very sorry,
When you're feeling sad,
And looks happy, very happy,
Whenever you are glad.
mirror Hide
Some say that TWO and TWO
Always will make FOUR,
So, how can these numbers
be shown as eighteen more?
when they are written as 22 Hide
Can you name a kind of doors,
Always open wide?
They are very close to you,
Wherever you abide.
outdoors Hide
It's not for an elephant,
Nor for clothes,
But it's a trunk.
It grows and grows.
tree trunk Hide