In a crossword puzzle, the spaces are typically filled with letters that make words. However, this cross-number puzzle works a little differently, but on the same principle. Instead of the spaces filled with words, they are filled with numbers.
1. |
How many cents in "two bits"? |
3. |
How many ships in Columbus's fleet? |
4. |
What is two times 11? |
6. |
What year was the first Walmart opened? |
9. |
How many leaves on a shoe tree? |
10. |
How many days hath January? |
12. |
How many letters in the alphabet? |
13. |
A needle has how many eyes? |
14. |
How many states in the U.S.A.? |
16. |
How much is 600 plus 73? |
18. |
Add 90 to 800. |
19. |
What is 90 minus 3? |
20. |
How many drumsticks on a turkey? |
21. |
How old must a person be to vote in this country? |
23. |
How many books in the Bible? |
25. |
Number of sides on a triangle? |
26. |
How many pounds in two tons? |
28. |
Two dozen cup cakes would be how many? |
30. |
How much butter in a buttercup? |
31. |
Which is the "Shepherd's Psalm"? |
1. |
How many parents does a child have? |
2. |
Number of children in a set of quintuplets? |
3. |
How many days in a leap year? |
4. |
How many halves in a whole? |
5. |
How many years in two decades? |
6. |
How many weeks in seven days? |
7. |
What is 90 plus 2? |
8. |
How many lines in a couplet? |
10. |
How many kittens lost their mittens? |
11. |
When did Columbus discover America? |
13. |
What was the date of the Declaration of Independence? |
15. |
How old is an octogenarian? |
16. |
What is 17 times 4? |
17. |
Tell the number of bears Goldilocks met. |
18. |
How many notes in an octave? |
21. |
How many years in two centuries? |
22. |
What number is written with an X in roman numerals? |
24. |
How many eggs in half a dozen? |
25. |
What is the freezing point on household thermometers? |
26. |
How many wheels on a roller skate? |
27. |
How many cones on an oak tree? |
29. |
How many seasons in a year? |
31. |
How many cups in a pint? |