No Skills Required
RED HEART® "Light & Lofty®", Art. E708 (6 ounce solid/4.5 ounce multi-color skeins): 6 Ounces No. 9376 Wine CA, 10 ounces No. 9313 Puff CB.
Red Heart® Super Saver®, Art. E300 (8 ounce solid/6 ounce multi-color skeins): 6 Ounces No. 319 Cherry Red CA, 9 ounces No. 316 Soft White CB.
Two wire coat hangers for each candy cane; pliers; wire cutters; 4"-wide cardboard; adhesive tape; scissors; 2"-wide wire-edge ribbon; fine wire for securing bow.
With wire cutters, cut both hangers approximately 5 ½” from the bend opposite the open side of the hanging crook (see diagram 1). With pliers, straighten the wire, then form the upper curve of the candy cane by bending the shorter end. With pliers, form a small loop at each of the cut ends (see diagram 2). Tape the two formed hangers together. (Note: Candy Cane can be made with only one wire hanger, but 2 are recommended for strength and stability.)
Yarn Bundle (Light & Lofty: Make approximately 30 CA and 50 CB; Super Saver: Make approximately 60 CA and 90 CB): Wind yarn 20 times around the cardboard. Slip these strands off the cardboard. Then, with a separate 8" strand of yarn, tie strands together at center (see Figure 1); do not cut the yarn loops.
Using the ends of the 8" strand, tie the first bundle to the assembled wires through the small loop at one end of the candy cane. 1f necessary, trim ends of 8" strand.
Make another bundle and tie to the wire, positioning the bundle perpendicular to the wire (see Figure 2). Continue to make bundles and tie them to the wire in the same way, alternating approximately 4 bundles CA with 6 bundles CB, positioning each bundle against the previous bundle, working along the form until the entire wire is filled and tying a bundle in the remaining small loop at the opposite end of the candy cane.
Make a bow from the ribbon; attach to the hanger with wire.

Pattern © by Coats & Clark Inc. Reproduced with permission from Coats & Clark Inc. is not endorsed by Coats & Clark Inc. It is not permissible to contract production of projects made from designs published by Coats & Clark to a third party for sale or distribution.