Buy TW Designworks products designed by Teresa Wentzler.

Cross Stitch Chart
Release date: February 2005
Stitch count: 128H x 33W
Sample shown: Stitched over two on 28-count cream Glasgow linen from Zweigart®
Description: This interesting and somewhat challenging-to-stitch bookmark design incorporates several motifs inspired by Renaissance period art and architecture. It's designed in shades of blue, gold, mauve, and green with metallic fiber accents. The directions include tips on changing the colorway should you desire to do so.
Comments by Teresa Wentzler:
Stitching Comments: This design is small, but is fairly challenging with lots of fractional stitches, and some lazy-daisy stitch motifs. There's also a bit of metallic braid for added interest. I finished the edges of the bookmark by doing a narrow hemstitch approximately 6 fabric threads away from the edges of the stitching, and trimming the fabric close to the hemstitching.
Pattern Errors/Corrections: none
Pattern © by TW Designworks. Reproduced with permission from Teresa Wentzler. is not endorsed by TW Designworks.
This is a complimentary chart, which means you may photocopy it. You may stitch it as many times as you'd like. However, since TW Designworks retains ownership of the copyright, you may not sell this chart, or profit from it in any way. It is not permissible to contract production of projects made from designs published by TW Designworks to a third party for sale or distribution.