Buy TW Designworks products designed by Teresa Wentzler.

Cross Stitch Chart
Release date: February, 2004 (at Nashville Market)
Stitch count: 60W X 60H
Sample shown: stitched on 100% Linen 28ct Natural Ribbon banding (#7497-1)
Description: According to English heraldry, an animal reared up and "boxing" with its front legs is considered to be "rampant". (Wrong!! See correction below!) The intense, jewel-like colors in this design are meant to mimic the tones found in medieval illuminated manuscripts.
Comments by Teresa Wentzler:
Background Information: This piece was designed for the Fantasy Faire 2004 promotion for shops attending the 2004 Nashville Market. An excellent resource about heraldry is "The Complete Book of Heraldry" by Stephen Slater. (ISBN: 1-84309-824-5)
WHOOPS!! I have misnamed this dragon! The proper term for this dragon's stance is not "Rampant" (reared up with three paws off the ground), but is instead "Saliant" (leaping.) This means that he has two feet up and is standing on two. My apologies to all heraldry enthusiasts... And my thanks to Susan and Tom Pellitieri for setting me straight!
Stitching Comments: If you're looking for a small, colorful dragon with a "medieval" or "heraldic" look, this one should do nicely! Some folks have extended the border to make a pennant-shaped design.
Pattern Errors/Corrections: none
Pattern © by TW Designworks. Reproduced with permission from Teresa Wentzler. is not endorsed by TW Designworks.
This is a complimentary chart, which means you may photocopy it. You may stitch it as many times as you'd like. However, since TW Designworks retains ownership of the copyright, you may not sell this chart, or profit from it in any way. It is not permissible to contract production of projects made from designs published by TW Designworks to a third party for sale or distribution.