What You Need:
- 1 (15 lb.) whole turkey, thawed
- 2 lemons cut in halves
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1 onion, quartered
- 2 celery stalks, cut in chunks
- 2 carrots cut in chunks
- 2 parsnips cut in chunks
- 1/2 tsp. parsley
- 3 tbsp. butter, melted
How to Make It:
- Place the oven on 400 degrees and allow it to heat while preparing the turkey.
- Remove the giblets and neck from the turkey and save for another use or discard.
- Run under cool water both inside and out and pat dry.
- Use 2 lemon halves and rub the inside of the turkey squeezing the juice into the turkey as you rub.
- Sprinkle the turkey cavity with 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. pepper being sure to cover well.
- Place the onion, celery, carrots and parsnips into the cavity of the turkey.
- Sprinkle with the parsley.
- Tie the legs together with twine and secure the neck skin over the back of the turkey.
- Rub the remaining 2 halves of lemon over the outside of the turkey again squeezing out the juice as you rub.
- Baste the turkey all over on the outside with the melted butter.
- Sprinkle the remaining salt and pepper over the turkey.
- Place the turkey, breast side down, on a rack in a large shallow roasting pan.
- Put the turkey into the preheated oven for 30 minutes.
- Reduce the heat of the oven to 350 degrees and continuing roasting 2 hours.
- Reduce the heat again to 225 degrees and turn the turkey over so the breast will brown.
- Continue roasting 1 hour 30 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 170 degrees in the breast area of the meat.
- Allow the turkey to rest 30 minutes before carving.
Serves 15